martes, 29 de enero de 2008

Posters chulos

Vía Fouz Blog tenemos esta lista de posters que todo Miguel querría tener ;-)


Microsoft® Visual Basic® 2008 Default Keybindings

Visual C# 2008 Default Keybindings

Visual C++ 2008 Default Keybindings

Microsoft® Visual C#® 2005 Default Keybindings

Microsoft® Visual Basic® 2005 Default Keybindings

Microsoft® Visual C++® 2005 Default Keybindings

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Commonly Used Types and Namespaces

Microsoft® Silverlight™ 1.1 Developer Reference Poster

Smart Client Poster

Developer Map for the 2007 Microsoft® Office system

Microsoft® Office InfoPath® 2007 Managed Object Model

Developer Map for SharePoint® Products and Technologies


Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Feature Components

Windows Server 2008 Feature Components

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Component Jigsaw


Exchange Server 2007 Component Architecture

Exchange Server 2007 Edge Transport Server Role Architecture

Exchange Server 2007 Hub Transport Server Role Architecture (RTM)

Exchange Server 2007 Hub Transport Server Role Architecture (SP1)

BizTalk Server 2006 R2 Capabilities

BizTalk Server 2006 R2 Runtime Architecture

BizTalk Server 2006 R2 Scale-Out Configurations

Upgrade Project Server with Windows SharePoint Services

Upgrade Project Server without Windows SharePoint Services

Upgrade large SharePoint Portal Server 2003 intranet portals to SharePoint Server 2007

Upgrade SharePoint Portal Server 2003 to SharePoint Server 2007


2007 Microsoft Office System Logical Architecture

Project Server 2003 Setup Flow

Microsoft CRM 3.0 Logical Database Diagrams

Microsoft CRM 1.2 Logical Database Diagram

PnP Overview Poster

MSIT SOI System Poster

MSIT SOI Runtime Poster

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 - Tipos y Namespaces más usados

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 - Tipos y Namespaces más usados (1.5 Mb) formato XPS

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 - Tipos y Namespaces más usados [cortado en trozos de tamaño A4] (1.8 Mb) formato XPS

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 - Tipos y Namespaces más usados - Enero 2008 (849 Kb) formato PDF

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 - Tipos y Namespaces más usados [cortado en trozos de tamaño A4] (25.7 Mb) formato PDF

Yo voy a ver si me los bajo todos :-D

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Gonzalo, primero enhorabuena por este blog tan chulo. En cuanto me compre la impresora laser empiezo a imprimir, xD xD